"The client is the protagonist who has all the knowledge and power to be happy.
My task is to support and guide people
to help them find solutions.''
Samuil Rozenberg
His nomadic life brought him insights and an understanding of the many cultures and languages he discovered on his journey in life. He is fluent in Russian, Hebrew, Czech, and English. He spent the first years of his life in Israel, which helped him develop adaptive abilities in relation to the different communities of people living in that country.
After 8 years in Israel, he moved with his family to the Czech Republic, at the age of 12, which not only opened the door for him to learn another new language, but also provided him with a new home, a place where he eventually stayed for many years. He left the Czech Republic for any considerable length of time only twice. First because of the compulsory military service he had to undertake as an Israeli citizen, fighting for 3 years in the Gaza Strip and on the border with Lebanon. This valuable experience provided him with the scope to understand people undergoing difficult experiences in life and the ability to solve their problems.
He left Prague for the second time on account of his master's degree, which he decided to study for in Israel. It was a family tradition that compelled him to continue his lifelong study of psychology, mental well-being, and the teachings of Kabbalah. After 5 years, he successfully graduated as a Master of Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP), Relationship Consulting, and Graphology.
Today, Samuil is an established advisor who will open your door to new possibilities through neuro-linguistic programming and an understanding of the energy of the Universe.
Obecní dům
U Prašné brány 1090/2
110 00 Praha
Czech republic
+420 776 516 090